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Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Tugas ujian praktek bahasa inggris˘•˘

Andi : Hi, Sinta I really like origami but I don't know how to make it. Can you help me ?
Sinta : Okay. It's easy. Listen carefully and follow me.
Andi : Yes, I'm ready.
Sinta : Take a half page of paper and you don't need scissors or glue to do it. 
Now follow the steps.First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.
Andi : Then..
Sinta : The second step, fold the sides up to the middle crease and keep it folded. 
Andi : Ok, done.

Sinta : Next, fold the corners down to the middle. And then do the same way. 
Are you still with me ?
Andi : Wait... wait.. Can you repeat it ?
Sinta : Sure. Please fold the corners down to the middle. And do it twice.
Andi : Got it. And what's the next step ?
Sinta : Finally, open the middle and turn it in side out to make a boat. 
Finish, it's simple, isn't it ?
Andi : Thank you. I learnt a lot from you.

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